Monaco Riviera
"The saddest thing I can imagine is to get used to luxury."
Charlie Chaplin
"Luxury does not interest me, money yes."
Monica Bellucci
Pictures, photos, videos, articles related to Monaco and Monte Carlo, fantastic, incredible, little princely country on the Riviera ...

Monegasque illuminations
The Principality is adorned with lights during the holiday season, to the delight of visitors from around the world or just around. We offer you some images, a series of 360 ° interactive virtual tours but also videos that illustrate this show.
The Bartoux Gallery in Monaco
At the bend of a stroll, strolling through the streets of the Principality, we discover a painting by Marc Chagall in the window, a few meters from the taxiway. The wide open door and the friendly welcome reveal many other masterpieces.
Visit the Christmas village in Monaco
At the end of each year, Monaco's Port Hercule, located at Quai Albert 1er, welcomes the Christmas village of the Principality around the swimming pool which has become an ice rink for the occasion. It consists of many areas for relaxation and restoration. Many events punctuate, for the greatest happiness of all, this month of festivities.
Visit the Wesselmann exhibition at Villa Paloma (NMNM)
The museum, arranged on 4 levels, exhibits as its name indicates so-called works of modern art. The occasion of a visit of the beautiful exhibition of Tom Wesselmann "The promise of Happiness" on the theme of female nudity but also masculine.
French Riviera news sources
We propose some sources of information about the French Riviera through a list of sources that we find interesting. Classic news sources of the press type but also from the world of the internet and social networks.
French Riviera meteo
Renowned, rightly, for its exceptional climate, the French Riviera is at the crossroads of several weather influences. We offer a small analysis of these features, as well as a list of online tools for observations and local forecasts.
Visit to the Monaco Oceanographic Museum
Located on the rock, the museum overlooks the sea looking towards the south, Corsica and the open sea. The ruling princely family, the Grimaldi, have been interested in the sea for several generations. It is therefore natural that this museum was born in Monaco at the end of the 19th century. We propose few words, photos and a video of the museum.
Japanese Garden of Monaco
An improbable and pretty little garden borders the principality along the sea between the port and the Larvotto underwater reserve. This islet of calm in the middle of the towers and the effervescence Monegasque allows to extract some moments of the rhythm of the princely city. We propose you some pictures and a virtual tour of the places.